Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stirring Up Apathy

That’s what political advertisements have been doing in my brain over the last couple months.

My candidate has failed to excite me. At first I thought it was his lack of ability to communicate clearly. Now I’ve concluded that his message has been so watered down, that there’s nothing exciting to communicate.

Its much like a song that attempts to take a stand. If you work a song or idea to a point where there’s no chance of offending someone, you end up with milquetoast.

This election has turned into a who-not-to-vote-for campaign. One side’s running on change. The other one is running on fear.

One side make claims that are incredible.. literally. The other doesn’t make any claims.. they just point out how incredible the other side’s claims are.

I’m tired.

Would anyone like to join me for a serving of Sodium-free saltines and water?

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